Mild winter weather is conducive to the overwintering of pathogens and pests. In the case of pathogens, the use of a high spray volume is a suitable method to control the various overwintering formulas, and in the case of pests, the use of a high spray volume is a suitable method to control the various overwintering forms. In this way, preventive control of individual pests can reduce their expected initial appearance in the growing season and the extent of infection.

Wash sprays are usually used to kill pests with an oil-based or drying formulation. Sulphur and copper compounds should be applied to control various pathogens. Spraying should be carried out in calm weather when temperatures are at least 5°C above freezing (i.e. frost-free) and when the soil conditions allow machinery to be driven out to the fields.

Sulphur-containing products are suitable for damping down powdery mildew overwintering formulas, while copper-containing products are effective against fungi that cause wood diseases.

Pruning is also taking place during this period. Be aware that spores of some wood-disease fungi may still be in the air and infecting our plants through wounds formed during pruning. For this reason, it will be necessary to carry out a high volume of spray washes as soon as possible after pruning. This will allow us to get the active ingredient onto the surface of the pruning wounds as quickly as possible and avoid possible infections.

Máté Havasi
plant health specialist
PlantCT Europe Zrt.

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Ez a mindenre kiterjedő fejlesztési projekt azonban a vártnál hosszabb időt vesz igénybe, de minden erőnkkel azon vagyunk, hogy egy olyan terméket és szolgáltatást tudjunk nyújtani a jövőben, amivel a vevőink hosszú távon elégedettek lesznek. 

Bízva abban, hogy az átalakulás sikeres lezárását követően tudni fogjuk folytatni a sikeres együttműködést, további megértésüket és türelmüket kérjük a folyamat befejezéséig, a jelenlegi észrevételeik és panaszaik kapcsán. 

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