QuantisLabs Ltd. was founded in 2005 with the support of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). Prior to the company’s foundation, the Department of Chemical Informatics (now the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry) of BME provided support to help the company realise its innovative and groundbreaking idea.

In 2008, the implementation of a novel idea started. A method to fundamentally reform viticultural pest management, using and complementing the most modern technologies available worldwide.

Celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2015, QuantisLabs Ltd., an agri-technology company, was already well known for its network of high-quality, specialised sensors for vine protection. As a developer of precision viticulture solutions, we have built up a client base of renowned agricultural players and have received significant national and international recognition. We aim to become a leading player in precision agriculture in the short term, not only at home but also internationally.

In 2020, the company became a public limited company with the involvement of investors, and we now operate under the name PlantCT Europe Zrt.

The turbulence of the post-transition years – the COVID epidemic, increasing international economical and political uncertainties – has not hindered us from continuing our work. Having successfully overcome the difficulties and even further developed, increased our orders and kept our focus on further development, we have now become a widely known service provider in the plant protection industry in Hungary and the Carpathian Basin.

Our mission is to make grapes healthier. With PlantCT™ spraying can be optimized, so our technology also makes a big contribution to protecting our environment.
Our strong ties with institutes, national agricultural universities and wine schools helps spread knowledge and information to flow. PlantCT™s’ cooperation is aimed at transferring our knowledge in the field of precision viticulture to future generations of winemakers.

Our clients range from individuals with small vineyards to large wineries.


Tisztelt Partnerünk!

Az elmúlt fél év során olyan szervezeti átalakításba kezdtünk, aminek során a teljes beszerzési, gyártási és adminisztratív folyamatunk megújul. Ezt annak érdekében tesszük, hogy a jövőben hatékonyabban és magasabb minőségben tudjuk kiszolgálni partnereinket. 

Ez a mindenre kiterjedő fejlesztési projekt azonban a vártnál hosszabb időt vesz igénybe, de minden erőnkkel azon vagyunk, hogy egy olyan terméket és szolgáltatást tudjunk nyújtani a jövőben, amivel a vevőink hosszú távon elégedettek lesznek. 

Bízva abban, hogy az átalakulás sikeres lezárását követően tudni fogjuk folytatni a sikeres együttműködést, további megértésüket és türelmüket kérjük a folyamat befejezéséig, a jelenlegi észrevételeik és panaszaik kapcsán. 

A PlantCT csapata