
What is the BBCH scale and why do we care?
An important criterion for modern crop protection is to know the exact developmental stage of the crops we grow, as more and more agrotechnical operations and a significant part of crop protection treatments require increasingly precise timing. This is why the BBCH scale has been developed to give an accurate description of the development of many crops, including grapes.

Reflections on the spray wash
Az enyhe téli időjárás kedvez a kórokozók és kártevők áttelelésének. Kórokozók esetén a különféle áttelelő képletek, még kártevők esetén pedig a különféle áttelelő alakok visszaszorítására alkalmas módszer a nagy permetlé mennyiséggel végzett lemosó permetezés. Így az egyes károsítók elleni preventív védekezéssel csökkenthetjük azok vegetációs periódusban várható kezdeti megjelenését és a fertőzések mértékét.

What is biological zero degree?
The biological zero degree of a plant is the minimum temperature below which the plant will not develop or grow. This applies to both the underground and above-ground parts of the plant.

Pruning work
Winter is a quiet period for our crops, including vines.
However, the PlantCT team is working diligently in the vineyards in this period as well, installing new sensors or checking the stations already installed and gathering experience.

How our pathogens overwinter in the vineyard IV – Grape Black Rot
The fungus that causes black rot of grapes (Guignardia bidwellii) threatens all green parts of the grape. This pathogen can cause great damage to vines and reduce yields by up to 60-80% in warm and wet weather conditions. It was first detected in Hungary in 1999.

How our pathogens overwinter in the vineyard II – Peronospora
Grape peronospora (Plasmopara viticola), which prefers warm and humid weather, is a well-known and dangerous pathogen of grapes that attacks both leaves and bunches. The bunches are susceptible to infection until the shrivelling period, while the leaves are susceptible, to a decreasing extent, until the end of the growing season.